OAuth 2.0 implementation in Mule 4 using Mule OAuth2 provider
- March 03, 2020
OAuth 2.0:
OAuth dance:
Mule application: The Mule application that is secured by 2.0 policy
Client: Any application that wants to access the above Mule application
OAuth provider: It’s a software that provides the secure token to the client and validates the token. There are many third-party OAuth providers like Okta, Github, Salesforce and OpenAM. MuleSoft also has its own OAuth provider. We’re going to use the Mule OAuth provider.
Reference: https://docs.mulesoft.com/api-manager/2.x/mule-oauth-provider-landing-page
Oauth dance
Ref: https://docs.mulesoft.com/api-manager/2.x/oauth-dance-about
Ref: https://docs.mulesoft.com/api-manager/2.x/oauth-grant-types-about
Mule OAuth 2.0 provider
Mule OAuth 2.0 provider module
- Mule has provided an Oauth 2.0 provider module in Anypoint exchange.
- The OAuth2 Provider Module allows a Mule application to be configured as an Authentication Manager (OAuth provider) in an OAuth2 Dance.
- With this role, the application will be able to authenticate registered clients, grant tokens, validate tokens or register and delete clients, all during the execution of a flow.
This module has four operations:
- Create client
- Delete client
- Validate token
- Revoke token
Note: There’s no separate operation for GET TOKEN in Mule OAuth provider. It’s an inbuilt operation provided in Mule OAuth provider configuration.
Step-by-step procedure
- A mule application should be successfully running in runtime manager.
- Client_Id and Client_secret should be generated.
- Here, a simple mule application that returns the sum of two given numbers that are passed as query parameters is deployed.
- Here, postman is the client that accesses the mule application.
- Let’s develop a Mule OAuth 2.0 provider that can provide the operations like ‘create client’ , ‘get access token’ , ‘validate token’.
- Mule OAuth 2.0 provider
- Create a project “oauth2.0”.
- Create two object stores in which ‘client credentials’ and ‘tokens’ are stored.
- Now, let’s create OAuth2 provider configuration in global elements.
<oauth2-provider:config name=”Oauth2_Provider_Config” doc:name=”Oauth2 Provider Config” doc:id=”adcc2165-73cd-4c0e-8d79-4fedd5704714″ providerName=”Oauth2_Provider” listenerConfig=”HTTP_Listener_config” clientStore=”client_objectStore” supportedGrantTypes=”CLIENT_CREDENTIALS”>
<oauth2-provider:token-config tokenStore=”token_objetStore” />
Oauth2 provider configuration.xml
- listener config: HTTP listener configuration through which Mule OAuth 2.0 provider is listening. (Shown below.)
- Client validation rate limiter: To control access to validate client operations. It will control that failures calls within a certain period don’t exceed a maximum count. After that number of failures is reached, further requests are rejected.
- Client store: Select object store created to store client details.
- Token generation strategy is default.
- Grant_types: ‘CLIENT_CREDENTIALS’ is used as grant type.
- Scopes : No Scopes is provided.
Ref: https://docs.mulesoft.com/api-manager/2.x/mule-oauth-provider-landing-page
- Token config:
- Path: This is the path used to get the “token.”
- Token store: Select object store created to store tokens.
- Token ttl: This is the expiration time of a token.
- Add ‘OAuth2 provider’ module from Exchange into the project.
Create client
Create a flow and add HTTP listener with path “/createClient”.
- Create an HTTP listener config. (This configuration has to be provided in listener config field of OAuth 2.0 provider config).
- Add create client operation and fill the required fields as below.
- Select the Oauth2 provider config created in module configuration tab.
- Client id, client secret, client name are passed from client as headers.
- Description, Principal and redirect uris are hard coded. You can pass these values from client or hard code depending on requirement.
- “CLIENT_CREDENTIALS” are used as Grant type.
- No scopes are declared.
- Type is selected as “Confidential” to maintain confidentiality of the credentials.
- If “Fail if present” is ticked, it doesn’t allow duplicate clients.
- Add a set payload component and set the value to “Client created successfully.”
Url: http://{host}:{port}/createClient
Get token
- Mule Oauth2 provider module doesn’t provide separate operation for token generation. It is an inbuilt process.
- The path to get the token is given in the OAuth2 provider config.
Url: http://{host}:{port}/token
Validate token
Create a flow and add HTTP listener with path “/validate”.
- Add an HTTP listener config.
- Add Validate token operation and fill the required fields as below.
- Access token is passed as a Bearer token in “authorization” header from client.
No scope is declared.
- Set the response in Transform message as required.
- The OAuth 2.0 provider application is ready to deploy into runtime manager.
- Deploy it into cloudhub and make sure it is running successfully in runtime manager.
Oauth implementation URL: http://oauth2-api.us-e2.cloudhub.io/
- Add OAuth 2.0 in raml:
- Modify the raml of the mule application as below.
- Add below code in RAML.
description: |
Mule OAuth 2.0.
type: OAuth 2.0
description: |
Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Do
not use with the “access_token” query string
type: string
required: true
description: |
Bad or expired token.
description: |
Bad OAuth request.
authorizationGrants: [ client_credentials]
- Add“securedBy:[ oauth_2_0]” under each method in the RAML.
- Publish the modified RAML to exchange.
- Update your application with the latest raml and deploy again.
- Create an API in API manager:
- Manage the API from Exchange and select ‘endpoint with proxy’ to create proxy application.
Give the URL of the mule application in implementation URL.
Implementation URL: http://addition-api.us-e2.cloudhub.io/api
- Click save.
- Give the runtime version and proxy application name.
- Deploy the proxy application. (Since the proxy application was already deployed, it is showing redeploy).
- Make sure the proxy application is successfully deployed and running.
- Make sure that API is Active in API manager.
Proxy URL: http://api-proxy.us-e2.cloudhub.io/
- Apply OAuth 2.0 policy on API proxy:
- Select required OAuth version and click on configure policy.
- Provide the validation URL.
- Validation URL: http://oauth2-api.us-e2.cloudhub.io/validate
- Click on Apply.
- Lets test from POSTMAN , which acts as a client here.
Step 1: Register Client (performed by Mule developers)
- Provide the client_id and client_secret generated.
Step 2: Get Access Token (performed by client)
- Provide Grant Type as ‘CLIENT_CREDENTIALS’
Step 3: Request to actual application
- Provide the access token as Bearer token in the Authorization field.
Authorization: Bearer ‘AccessToken’
- Send request to actual Application.
- Client credentials in object _clientStore last for 30 days.
- Instead of adding client credentials every time after 30 days, we can achieve auto refreshing of client credentials by creating a flow with Scheduler as below.
- Set the scheduler frequency to 20 days (or any number less than 30).
- Retrieve all the client_id’s client_Ids from object _clientStore.
- Send each client id to create client flow using For Each.
- Uncheck the ‘Fail if present’ check box in Create Client operation in CreateClientFlow.
This will automatically refresh the clients before they expire.
— By Venkateswara Bhuvan Tej Sanku