Build Artifacts with Azure DevOps and deploy to Anypoint Platform CloudHub
- July 24, 2020
Use an HTTP listener component to create a basic Mule application; the response is a simple text message.
Set the path to “/test” and the response payload to “Azure DevOps POC test application.”
Create an Azure repository and sync application code
An Azure repository holds the source code managed by version control. A single project can have multiple repositories and each repository can have multiple branches depending on your requirements.
- Create an Azure DevOps account
- Create a new empty repository for the project
- Using Git bash commands:
- Clone the repository on your local drive
- Add the Mule application — created above
- Push the code
Here’s a sample project “tjagani” under which is a repository named “azure-devops-poc” that consists of a Mule project named “azure-devops-poc”:
Azure build pipeline [YAML method]
- Edit the Mule project’s pom.xml file to add the following snippet to repositories and distributionManagement tags — a screenshot follows the code
<username>Anypoimt Platform Username</username>
<password>Anypoimt Platform Password</password>
- Go to the Pipelines menu and create a new pipeline with following configurations:
- Click Create New Pipeline
- Select the Azure Repos Git option
- Select the repository created
- Select Maven
- Click Save and Run
Variable groups
To reuse the variables across all the pipelines:
- Create variable groups
- Reference the variables inside the pipeline
To use the variable group in the pipeline, include the following variables:
- group: PipelineCachingVariables
Once this is included, you can access the variables with $(variableName)
Create Azure artifacts
You can create Azure artifacts in the Maven task by using the option goals ‘deploy’ as shown below.
You can use triggers to run a pipeline automatically to perform continuous integration (CI). Use the following configuration in the YAML file to trigger the pipeline whenever the source code located under a certain location and under a certain branch changes.
- dev
- 'demo-domain/*'
Tag sources
You can tag the sources once the build pipeline is completed by following these steps:
- Go to the specific build pipeline and click the Edit option
- Click the three dots and select the Triggers option
- Click the YAML tab and select Get sources
Now, you can tag the sources on certain conditions (Never, On success and always) and configure the tag format as per standards.
Once the build is complete, you’ll see the tags created under the repository.
Pipeline caching
To reduce the time for the build pipeline to execute, we can implement pipeline caching.
NOTE: Pipeline caching can be implemented only on build pipelines and not on release pipelines.
To implement caching:
- Create the following pipeline variables before building the pipeline:
Here’s the cache task configuration:
- task: Cache@2
key: 'maven | "$(Agent.OS)" | demo-domain/pom.xml'
cacheHitVar: 'CacheRestored'
restoreKeys: |
maven | "$(Agent.OS)"
displayName: Cache Maven local repo
- Configure the POM location in the cache task based on the location of POM
You need to include the following option in the Maven task to make use of the pipeline caching strategy:
mavenOptions: '-Xmx3072m $(MAVEN_OPTS)'
Reference YAML code
value: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/.m2/repository
- name: MAVEN_OPTS
value: -Dmaven.repo.local=$(MAVEN_CACHE_FOLDER)
- master
- azure-devops-poc/*
- stage: __default
- job: Job
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- task: MavenAuthenticate@0
artifactsFeeds: xxxx
- task: Cache@2
key: maven | "$(Agent.OS)" | azure-devops-poc/pom.xml
cacheHitVar: CacheRestored
restoreKeys: >
maven | "$(Agent.OS)"
displayName: Cache Maven local repo
- task: Maven@3
mavenPomFile: azure-devops-poc/pom.xml
goals: deploy
publishJUnitResults: true
testResultsFiles: '**/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
javaHomeOption: JDKVersion
mavenVersionOption: Default
mavenOptions: -Xmx3072m $(MAVEN_OPTS)
mavenAuthenticateFeed: false
effectivePomSkip: false
sonarQubeRunAnalysis: false
- task: CopyFiles@2
Contents: '**/target/*.jar'
TargetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
CleanTargetFolder: true
flattenFolders: true
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
PathtoPublish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
ArtifactName: DemoApplication
publishLocation: Container
Run the pipeline job once the above steps are completed. The artifacts should be built and published to Azure Artifacts.
Release pipeline
Once the build pipeline is complete, you can trigger the release pipeline as per requirements.
Here’s a sample release pipeline that gets triggered whenever the build pipeline is completed. The release pipeline can have multiple stages.
Necessary artifacts must be added in the artifacts section of the release pipeline to trigger it. The following image shows the artifact configured.
You can also configure the predeployment conditions of stages as per requirement. The following image shows these have been triggered using the “After release” option.
As this article is about deploying the application to CloudHub, we’ll configure the two necessary tasks:
- Downloading credentials file
- Using Bash script tasks, which deploy the JAR to the CloudHub required environment with the Anypoint CLI command
The following snippet is required for credentials file creation. Do not provide an extension to the file.
"Sandbox": {
"username": "anypoint_username",
"password": "anypoint_password",
"organization": "xxxx",
"environment": "Sandbox",
"host": ""
"QA": {
"username": "anypoint_username",
"password": "anypoint_password",
"organization": "xxxx",
"environment": "QA",
"host": ""
Upload the credentials file to the library section.
Configure the Download Secure File task of a Stage, as shown below.
Next, configure the second task for deploying to CloudHub, as shown below. Also refer to the following commands for deploying to CloudHub with Anypoint CLI (only for a new application).
NOTE: This command will throw an error if an application with the same name is already deployed. For redeploying the application, use Modify instead of Deploy in the following command.
npm install -g anypoint-cli@latest
mkdir ~/.anypoint
cp $AGENT_TEMPDIRECTORY/credentials ~/.anypoint/
export ANYPOINT_PROFILE="$(environment)"
anypoint-cli runtime-mgr cloudhub-application deploy --runtime "$(runtime)" --workers "$(workers)" --workerSize "$(worker_size)" --property "anypoint.platform.platform_base_uri:" --property "anypoint.platform.client_id:8aacf1bc75bb4b7f846f0f449b49ec88" --property "anypoint.platform.client_secret:61E03EE97ddB43469E078De2D56aca69" $(application_name) $(jar_file_path)
Below is the command for redeploying the application:
npm install -g anypoint-cli@latest
mkdir ~/.anypoint
cp $AGENT_TEMPDIRECTORY/credentials ~/.anypoint/
export ANYPOINT_PROFILE="$(environment)"
anypoint-cli runtime-mgr cloudhub-application modify --runtime "$(runtime)" --workers "$(workers)" --workerSize "$(worker_size)" --property "anypoint.platform.platform_base_uri:" --property "anypoint.platform.client_id:8aacf1bc75bb4b7f846f0f449b49ec88" --property "anypoint.platform.client_secret:61E03EE97ddB43469E078De2D56aca69" $(application_name) $(jar_file_path)
Finally, execute the created release pipeline. It should deploy the application to the Sandbox and QA environment.
— By Twinkle Jagani