GenAI hallucinations: balancing innovation with responsibility

Know the risks and the creative potential of hallucinations across industries.

Get a balanced perspective of GenAI hallucination and how to use this phenomenon responsibly.

Turning unusual ideas into real content is part of what makes GenAI so intriguing – but it also raises questions about the reliability of GenAI models and outputs.

A significant risk is hallucination, which happens when models generate content that is not grounded in reality or accuracy. However, this creative aspect of GenAI also has the potential to foster innovation in all industries.

We take a close look into these parallel narratives and the associated ethical and societal implications.

Download the perspective now.


What You’ll Learn:

  • How to find the right balance between responsible AI and creativity
  • How to understand anthropomorphism in GenAI
  • What types of hallucination are possible
  • How to transform hallucination drawbacks into advantages