Research: Could Have, Would Have, Should Have

Talk to an expert about digital transformation opportunities for your industry. You won’t regret it.


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Regrets. We all have a few. Yet, according to research, organizations that implemented leading-edge technologies prior to the pandemic have less reason to say, ‘could have, would have, should have.’

The findings show 69% of companies would have been more resilient had they invested in technology more heavily, which created two distinct groups: Leaders and Laggards. The adoption data analytics, AI, cloud and IoT indicate how well companies coped with the crisis, their current business performance and how prepared they are to digitally reinvention themselves for what’s next.

What You'll Learn

  • How timely investments in technology created both healthcare Leaders and Laggards
  • Why technology adoption created a considerable advantage during the crisis
  • How mature technology adoption fosters agility and preparedness
  • The key differences between the primary industries surveyed: financial services and insurance, healthcare, manufacturing and the public sector